Monday 18 April 2011

Election 2011 : The Manifestos Examined

Over the next week, I'll be posting my thoughts on the manifestos in detail.

I've been making a note of the five key, standout pledges in 10 policy areas, and grading them on 4 factors listed below. For each of the unrepresented parties, I've just picked 5 general standout policies.

Ambition (Amb)

Policies that "aim high", empower Wales - or the Welsh people - in a positive way, will be graded highly. Those policies that are low-brow, clichéd or don't take full advantage of the Assembly's new powers will be graded lowly.

Innovation (Inn)

Policies that are new and radical compared to previous Assembly policy will be graded highly. Policies that are a continuation of existing policy, minor administrative changes or "hot air" will grade lowly.

Deliverability (Del)

Policies that can, in my opinion, be easily delivered within the powers, budget and timescale of the coming Assembly term will be graded highly. Be careful. If combined with low grades for Ambition and Innovation it means that the policy is still crap. For example, pledging to buy new cutlery for Ty Hywel's canteen can easily be delivered, but it lacks any sort of ambition or innovation.

Likewise, overly ambitious, even visionary, policies or targets can score low grades for deliverability but high grades elsewhere.

Effectiveness (Eff)

This factor is based on how quickly, and how fundamentally the policy will change Wales for the better. Quick and noticeable, or very effective policies will grade highly. Those policies that will only be noticeable to political anoraks, bean counters and the "Bay Bubble" - for example, changes to how the Assembly organises itself - will grade lowly. Policies that will take an awful long time to come to fruition will also grade lowly. For example, targets for delivery in the 2020's or 2030's.


Each policy will be graded in each factor. Each grade has a different colour. If there are lots of greens (A & B), I think it's a good policy. If there are lots of yellows (C), it's average. Oranges (D) should be kept to a minimum and reds (E) avoided. An F grade (black mark) means the policy is probably completely outside of the Assembly's remit or utterly ludicrous and is worthless in the manifesto.

A – Excellent
B – Good/Effective
C – Satisfactory
D -  Poor
E – Undesirable
F – Failure

The Manifestos Examined Schedule

Part One: Key Public Services

Health & Social Services, Education

Part Two: Working Wales

The Economy, Transport, Finance

Part Three: Green Wales

Environment & Energy, Rural Affairs

Part Four: Our Communities

Culture, Heritage & Welsh Language, Social Justice, Local Government, Regeneration & Planning

Part Five: The Minor Parties Review

The five standout policies from the following parties standing in the election; UKIP, Green Party, BNP, Christian Voice, Trade Union & Socialist Coalition, Socialist Labour, Llais Gwynedd, Communist Party, English Democrats.


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